Whether you're searching for an attorney or a domestic relations mediator
Beckman Law, LLC offers a variety of legal services from personal injury and estate planning to probate and family law. Our attorney is also registered as a domestic relations mediator and previously offered her services as a court appointed guardian ad litem as well.
About Us:
Beckman Law, LLC, currently located at 1411 S. Woodland Ave., Michigan City, Indiana, opened its doors in 2008 as Beckman & Boersma, LLP and offers a fresh perspective on legal cases and representation. We are here to assist you in getting the help you need for your case. You will never be kept in the dark on how your case is progressing as we strive to keep our clients informed and up to date on all matters relevant to their case. We believe honesty is the best policy and will let you know immediately if someone outside of our law firm would be better able to handle your legal issues or if you're paying for legal representation you don't need. We handle our business case-by-case and will work with you individually to analyze your needs from every angle, weighing the pros and cons of all strategies, whether settlement, litigation or otherwise, to allow you to make an informed decision on how to proceed. You deserve to have your case treated with respect, which is why each case is handled differently, pertaining to your personal needs.
Our Attorney:

Bethany J. Beckman, born and raised in Michigan City, attended Purdue University, Lafayette, for undergraduate studies and graduated in May of 2002 with Bachelors of Science in General Biology and in Biology / Chemistry Education. She received her teacher’s license in April of 2003. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Valparaiso University, School of Law, in December of 2004 and was sworn into the Indiana Bar in May of 2005. She started her career as a part-time civil practitioner and part-time Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for the LaPorte County Prosecutor's office where she remained until February of 2017. She held the position of Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2022. She remains an active member of the LaPorte County Bar Association and, as of January 1, 2023, has added traffic and criminal defense to her civil practice, wherein she primarily handles Family Law, including such matters as custody, parenting time, child support and divorce, though she commonly handles other legal matters such as Estate Planning, Probate, and Personal Injury as well. In addition, she has been regularly appointed by the courts as Guardian Ad Litem and thereby requested to act in the best interests of minor children providing recommendations on both custody and parenting time, and, as of March 21, 2013 completed the necessary training and thereafter became a registered Domestic Relations Mediator for such matters as Child Support, Custody, Parenting Time (Visitation), Guardianships, Adoptions, CHINS/Deliquencies, Paternity, and Property Division in Divorce Actions.
Our Paralegal:

Jason C. Schadt is a Paralegal who brings with him over 20 years of legal experience in various positions within the LaPorte County Government. He began his legal career as a Child Support Caseworker and thereafter transferred to the position of Trial Support for the LaPorte County Prosecutor’s Office, ultimately earning his degree in Legal Studies in May of 2020, graduating Magna Cum Laude, while performing a litany of jobs as the Chief of Staff, Bailiff and Paralegal for the LaPorte Circuit Court. Using his education, experience and passion for the law, Jason will be handling many of the day-to-day affairs of Beckman Law, LLC, including, but not limited to, legal work such as drafting, answering the door and telephones, interacting with clients to ensure personalized and individualized attention for all, organizing and categorizing client files, scheduling and calendaring appointments and deadlines, and much more.
Our 4-Legged Staff:

Schön (left) and Edel (right) are our 4-Legged Staff. They are purebred German Rottweilers with big personalities (and attitudes) and bring with them over 2 years of nub-wagging experience, graduating their intermediate dog training Magna Cum Laude (well...they didn't actually hand out such distinctions, but we're certain they would have received such a distinction if one were awarded). They have been a loyal (and protective) part of our staff since October of 2020. Combined, these two lovely ladies bring over 165 pounds of lazy Rottweiler love and stubbornness to our office and tend to demand the attention of our guests either vocally (barking) or physically (leaning our guests). Please let us know in advance if you'd prefer not to be greeted by our 4-Legged Staff.

Schön is our afternoon puppy. Despite the fact she and Edel are littermates, their personalities couldn't differ more. Although she can be protective at times, Schön is quietly confident and outgoing, and will do anything in her power (including jumping up on the reception counter) to come greet (and lick) our guests. If you plan to visit our office in the afternoon, please take the appropriate precaution of wearing long pants and closed-toe shoes to protect your bare skin from being licked incessantly. Beware: despite her size, she will try to pet you with her paw and will not hold back from climbing into your lap as she believes herself to be the perfect size for a lapdog. If she rolls over at your feet, for goodness sake, please rub her belly! Treats available, upon request.

Edel works mornings at Beckman Law, LLC. She can be rather grumpy (as I'm sure most can be in the morning) and displays her moodiness vocally (growling and barking). Unlike her confident and outgoing sister, Edel is cautious and reserved, taking her time to warm up to many of our guests, often quietly growling as she carefully and slowly approaches for a quick lick to your hand or to gently take the treat you offer her. Although fearful at first, when she does warm up she will snuggle relentlessly, often laying on your feet in a feeble attempt to prolong the snuggles. If you plan to visit our office in the morning, please allow Edel to come to you, rather than approaching her, as she will warm up much more quickly if allowed to control her own approach. Treats available, upon request.